- Retired Teacher
Anna Miklos, a former chapter leader at Lehman HS in the Bronx, died July 23, 2021, of natural causes in Westchester County, New York. She was 87.
During her 30-year career as a social studies teacher, Anna was a mentor to both teachers and students at Lehman HS and later at Walton HS in the Bronx, said her daughter, Karen Osborne. She was passionate about social justice issues and, after retiring in 1996, she tutored students studying for their GED certificates.
Anna was a member of the Lighthouse for the Blind where, for many years, she led a support group for the visually impaired. “Her crossword puzzle prowess was New York Times ‘Sunday puzzle in ink’ level brilliance and remained so for two decades after she was last able to see print,” Osborne said.
In her 80s, Anna took up rowing, both indoor and outdoor. She set three records as well as a fine example for other visually challenged seniors. “Her early love of the water was renewed when she was introduced to rowing by an enthusiastic and dedicated instructor,” her daughter said.
“Anna was extremely devoted to training,” said the instructor, Paul Stephen Varszegi of the U.S. Veterans’ Rowing & Kayaking Foundation. “She was a go-getter,” he said, and set three Concept 2 Adaptive World Records in her age category in less than one hour.
“I really believe rowing changed her life and improved her confidence and mental outlook,” said Varszegi. “She really inspired everyone in my class.”
It wasn’t only rowing the two had in common. “She was a fellow Hungarian, and we often practiced speaking to one another in Hungarian,” Varszegi said. “She will be deeply missed.”
Anna put her patience and kindness to work as a lifelong animal lover, caring for everything from hamsters to horses. An avid traveler, her latest destinations included Dublin, Montreal and Cape Cod, Mass.
She also enjoyed attending reunions with colleagues. “We used to meet at Nordstrom’s for lunch, and she would come,” said Joan Frey, who also taught at Walton HS. Frey recalled Anna’s perseverance as her sight deteriorated. “She was a very courageous lady.”
In addition to her daughter Karen and son-in-law Brian Osborne, Anna is survived by another daughter, Laura, and her husband Guy Holroyd, and granddaughters Lindsey Holroyd and Amelia and Nina Osborne.
Condolences may be sent to
Laura Holroyd and Karen Osborne
35 47th St.
Weehawken, N.J. 07086.
In my 82 years , I have never met a more inspiring exemplar of what the human being is capable of – at its zenith . I was privileged to know her for over 50 years and miss her dearly every day .
Anna was a great energetic and inspiring person to be around. She was joy to work with because of her strong determination to meet each challenge I presented her with in our indoor rowing classes.
She showed everyone at her Atria senior living facility that despite her 100% vision impairment, she could still do amazing achievements like setting World Records for indoor rowing well into her 80’s.
May she have eternal peace in God’s Kingdom.
Paul-Stephen Varszegi, her friend and rowing instructor.