- Occupational therapist
- Queens Transition Center
Marcella Neil-Simpson was an occupational therapist to scores of students over her decades of work at Q752, the Queens Transition Center, a District 75 school with four sites. “She was very dedicated and loving to our students,” said her colleague Theresa Dupree, also an occupational therapist at the school. “We worked with kids with difficult diagnoses and she had such a sweet way about her. Even when they misbehaved physically, she stayed calm and redirected them. Even the most difficult kids loved her,” Dupree said.
Marcella died on May 31, 2021, at age 55, from complications following surgery.
Marcella began working at the District 75 site in 1994, but left to move to Georgia, where she worked for five years. When she returned, she worked for two years at schools in Brooklyn before she was able to return to the Queens Transition Center.
The school community is in shock at the loss, said colleague Celina Stephen, a school psychologist.
“Marcella was there for everyone, not only the students, but the teachers and staff, too,” said school nurse Keanni Cole. “She gave her all and never looked for anything in return.” Cole remembered Marcella as, “a hard worker, always punctual with her paperwork, and friendly, with a contagious smile.” She also “was grateful to the UFT for its representation and benefits,” Cole said.
In her relationships with colleagues, Marcella always went above and beyond. She mentored countless other educators, including Sally Feliciano, a physical therapist at the school. “I learned a lot from her — she was so caring and dedicated. As a friend, she was also generous and would share everything she had, even her lunch!” Feliciano said. Every Thursday, a group of educators would have a Jamaican lunch break, either with food Marcella had cooked or bought. “It was a community because of her,” Feliciano said.
“She loved her two boys and, to her, education was the most important thing for them, and that’s why she gave everything to our students,” said Stephen, the school psychologist. “She was very concerned about students’ mobility and would take them for long walks in the hallway. The kids looked forward to having their one-on-one time with her.”
Marcella, who was from Jamaica, loved Jamaican food and flowers, had a beautiful garden at home, and was known for giving plants to coworkers. “Her legacy will live forever in our memories of her,” Stephen said.
Marcella graduated from the Dominican College of Blauvelt in Orangeburg, New York, where she was in an accelerated program for occupational therapy.
She is survived by her husband, Barrington, and her two sons, Christian and Jared.
Condolences may be sent to Cobbs Funeral Chapels.
Charitable donations in her name may be made online.
Death is really an enemy! O for the day when death will die! I just remember her warm greeting and smile, sweet demeanor, truly a professional. May her soul Rest In Peace! I will continue to keep the family in prayers as they strive to adapt to living without this wonderful person in their lives.