- School counselor
- Careers in Sports HS, the Bronx
Paula Pryce-Bremmer was a beloved colleague, described by coworkers as the “heartbeat” of Careers in Sports HS. She started her career as an elementary school teacher before becoming a high school creative writing teacher, then transitioned to school counselor in 2007, when she joined Careers in Sports HS. It was in this role she found her true passion.
Paula worked tirelessly to make sure students had a plan of action that would usher them successfully into the world after graduating from high school. Alumni visited in an unending stream because they loved her and credited her with getting them on the path to college or a career.
“Paula made everyone feel special and important, taking the time to catch up with students, alumni and colleagues,” said her coworker and friend Lonice Eversley. “She was connected to several hundred alumni on social media,” she said. The news of Paula’s passing sparked scores of moving tributes. Former students wanted to say “thank you” for nudging them (with love), but most of all, they wanted to show their appreciation for her belief in them, even when they didn’t believe in themselves.
She inspired some alumni to become school counselors. “This speaks to the enormous power that resided within her, yet she was one of the most gentle, kind and humble people who has ever walked the earth,” said Eversley.
“She served our South Bronx community every day with purpose and love,” said Chapter Leader Maria E. Colon. “Her legacy and impact will remain and her influence is invaluable.”
Paula was also known for her talent as a writer, her skill as a baker (her cinnamon rolls were described as heavenly) and her passion for genealogy, piecing together parts of her family’s history that had been mysteries.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in communications and master’s degrees in counseling and in creative writing.
Paula deeply loved her family, the source of her strength and inspiration. Her husband Orane and children Kailyn, Zuri, Marley and Eden provided her with her greatest joy.
To express condolences and to contribute to her funeral fund, visit: https://bit.ly/2wEdprU
Thinking of you cuz. Miss ya. ~~Karen Hanson
My Love, My friend, My wife for over twenty years we been together though good time and rough times we managed to live in peace with each other the laughter we shared amongst friends and Family those are priceless memories i have and i truly give thanks to our Heavenly Father for giving us the here on earth to bring fourth our children and i pray and ask your in a better place now awaiting for us i love you and always will i miss you every day Paula, COVID Has stolen you to the other side prematurely all our dreams and plans that we had shared i’ll try my best to accomplish. May your souls be at peace and love will always be in my heart as i thank GOD for everything I thank HIM you will always be in my prayers until we meet some day.
She was a wonderful student — a delight to have in a class
She was one of my Graduate students — a delight to have in class
If you never made me your intern, I would’ve never became a school guidance counselor. You advised me not just professionally but personally as well. Heaven truly gained an angel. I’ll be forever in your debt and forever grateful for all that you taught me. ❤
Ms. Pryce-Bremmer, thank you for all you did for the students both while they were in school and after they graduated. Your commitment to the students of the South Bronx will never be forgotten. Rest in peace. And peace and blessings to your family. Gracias por todo. -Nate Dudley
My Sister, you have left an imprint on all of our hearts. We will forever be inspired by the manner by which you gave our students the very best of yourself. We love you, and we will never, ever forget you.
So, sorry for the loss of the one you loved with all your heart. Our prayers and heart frlt sympathy is with you.
Sure He has borne our grifs and carried our sorrows. ISAIAH 53:4.
Remember the love and compassion she she so freely gave.
Lovingly, John & Arnita Reid/family
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to every student you came into contact with. I was looking forward to the class of 2020 Graduation this year. You will be missed dearly. One of the best Guidance Counselors. Sending my prayers and condolences to your family.
Monique Jackson-Dickens
Condolences to you all. May the days ahead bring you comfort, peace, and more love as you take care of one another.
May God Bless abundantly.
Donna Walker and Family