- Retired teacher
- PS 377, Brooklyn
“Momma Shirl,” as Claudia Shirley was known in her school community, was a consummate educator who believed in her students and was always willing to give of herself to help her colleagues, her students and their parents.
Claudia was warm and welcoming, which led children and adults to share their concerns and conflicts with her. She was patient and calm, lowering the stress level as she gathered all the information to help them sort out their problems.
Claudia began her career as a paraprofessional and then became a bilingual teacher, a Spanish teacher and an English as a second language teacher. She worked for many years at PS 45 in Brooklyn, then continued to teach part time at PS 377, also in Brooklyn, after retiring.
The value of a good education was a guiding principle in her life and one she imparted to all around her. Claudia inspired her students to achieve their potential and her colleagues to hone their craft. Following her example, both her daughters became educators. Sharron Shirley is a teacher and Jennifer Shirley is a paraprofessional, continuing the family tradition.
“I will always admire her inner strength, her love and fortitude,” said PS 377 Chapter Leader Todd Marks. He considered Claudia a life coach and said her calm demeanor and warmth has made a profound and lasting effect on the school community she served.
Claudia is survived by her daughters Sharron and Jennifer, sister Relmina Dudley, son-in-law Douglas Thomas and grandsons Justin and Jaden Thomas.
Condolences may be sent to:
Sharron & Jennifer Shirley
9520 Avenue K
Brooklyn NY 1123
I met Ms Shirley in 2006.at Halsey Middle School.She was my mentor teacher .I admired her as a teacher.I learned a lot with her.She was ery special and competent in her work.
I am very sad she is not with all of us.
My condolences to her family.
This is still very hard for me to process. This woman gave me purpose and taught me everything I know when I came to this country in 2009. While teaching at IS296, she gave all her students the best version of herself. She was a mother to me and will continue to live in heart forever. This feeling of emptiness that you left us with can only be filled with time. Te quiero y siempre serás un ángel para mi Rest in Paradise
I am absolutely heartbroken. Condolence to Sharron and Jennifer. I have work with Claudia since she started in IS 296. She was my friend and my and my confidant . BLESSINGS to her family.
Today I found out that even angels have to go, I was looking online for you to visit you and found out you are no longer with us. My heart it’s broken ,sad and it feels unreal. I came to the US in 2002, went to IS 296 n there you wore my angel. I was so scare !!! No English and so far from my own mother back in Dominican Republic and Ms.Shirley just took me in. School became my happy place!! And English was no longer a problem and for that I thank you!!! today, tomorrow and always cause when I die I will be telling this story to everyone up there with you!!! It still remember helping you get things out your gray Toyota Camry .. you are and will always be the best!!!!! I LOVE YOU MS.SHIRLEY.
I met Ms. Shirley when I was an ATR at P.S.377 in 2014. I am an ENL teacher and she immediately made me feel welcome. She was so sweet and loving. It didn’t matter what color you are, she seemed to treat everyone as human beings. She is someone we need more than ever, someone who just shows all of us love. May God bless her daughters and grandsons as they grieve this terrible loss.
She will be dearly missed. That beautiful mother of a soul that made us all feel like part of the family, giving her all for those kids. Momma Shirley I will miss your strength, your supportive words and your glowing spirit. Sleep in peace.
As a long-time ESL/ENL teacher/coordinator at Halsey IS296 I cherished our collaborations and conversations. Ms.Shirley taught Native Language Arts and we shared classes in our middle school. She was an outstanding educator as well as friend. We shared laughs and life’s hard times, too. Her impact on her many, many students will never be forgotten. My deepest and sincerest condolences to her family…rest in peace, Ms. Shirley.
Vivian Kahn
I cane to google looking for u since u was my favorite and the one that gave me my nickname till today nd wishing i could of seen u again and find out ur no longer with us love u ms sherley thank u for always showing me the rigjt way ur teddy
I am/was a colleague of Claudia at I.S 296K32 for many years. She is as a trusted person an educator for students just her presence kept students and In line. When I filled in in the Bi Lingual dept.,she would always have morning be my limited abilities in Spanish , some time’s humorously. To the family. I can not imagine your pain at her loss! She will be painfully Missed
Wow, my prayers and condolences goes out to the Shirley family. I remember Ms. Shirley when she taught Spanish at I.S. 296. She was my 6th grade Spanish teacher back in 1995. She was a beautiful person who truly cared for her students. I am living proof of this. After all these years, I still remember her and I will never forget the impact she made on my life. She is one of the reasons why I dedicated my life to education. RIP Ms. Shirley.
¡ Ahora y siempre Viva Panama!
Ms. Shirley was a wonderful colleague. Although I was new to the school, she welcomed me without hesitation and offered her expertise and her wisdom as I began my field work as an aspiring ENL teacher. I will always remember her warmth and her generosity. Her family meant everything to her. Thoughts and prayers to Sharron, Jennifer, and the entire family.
The first time I met Ms.Shirley was at PS377.She was a coworker of my mother and my daughter’s Spanish teacher. Ms.Shirley always welcomed me with a huge smile and a big hug.We always had very lovely and pleasant conversations every time we saw one another.A fantastic teacher, colleague, and friend. You were extremely special to my family. “Mama Shirley” we are truly devastated!! You were a rare gem!!! My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to her family!
I met Ms. Shirley while working at PS 377. She was contemplating her retirement but was reluctant because she enjoyed working with the students and they truly loved her. During her preps she always had students in her classroom completing assignments or discuss their problems. She was was kind and very funny being when she was speaking bluntly. Although I worked with her for a short period of time, she had an impact of my life within our brief encounters. God Bless her in her transition and her beautiful family. <3
Ms. Claudia Shirley was and will always be remembered as an amazing and radiant educator, woman, mom, and friend! She always brightened everyone’s day with her gentle greetings, hugs and kisses. I definitely admired her for her unconditional love and support she gave to all who knew her. She was always so very caring and encouraging. Knowing her was to know the voice of reason. She always looked at things in a positive way. I remember all the advices she gave me when I was having anxiety attacks about having my Sky-Lynn head to college far away. She would always put me at ease reassuring me that it would be ok. That even though I would feel the emptiness as a parent, Sky will always return. Another time I will always remember was when she knew how sad I was to know that I had to fight cancer. She, again, reassured me each time we’d meet, that I would fight this thing and win. She was definitely correct! I am so very grateful to have had her in my life. She was more than just a coworker. She was an important support system to me as well as to many others. She was so very understanding. I never got to tell her, but I hope she knew how very happy she made me feel every time we saw each other and how very special she was to me. I looked at her as an amazing role model. She just had the most beautiful soul a person can have. My students loved her and were always happy when she stopped by to say hello. It was always great seeing her come by the classroom. I will always miss her and will always keep her memory in my heart. Sharron, Jennifer, Justin, Jaden, Doug, I know words, however kind, can’t mend your heartache, but those of us who care for you share your grief and wish you all comfort and peace of mind. My deepest sympathy for you all.
Love always,
Maggie Barrios
Ms. Shirley was my sixth grade teacher in IS 296 around 20 years ago. She was the embodiment of love, sweetness, joy, compassion, guidance, support… she was a safe haven for me. Her presence was one that always made me feel happy, hopeful for the future and secure. I had the highest grade of all the sixth graders in my school and I was one of three Dominican-American students that had the highest grades in Brooklyn. She supported my dreams. She cheered me on. She educated my “always hungry for knowledge” little mind. She empowered me. She made me feel important and valuable. She made me feel that she loved me just as much as I loved her. She was more than an educator, more than a mentor, more than, even, a mother figure. She was like what I imagine a real life fairy God mother would be to a child…
Ohh Ms. Shirley, you are truly missed. I love you! Thank you so much for all that you gave me and all of your students. You are, and will always be the best teacher ever!!!
I met Claudia around twenty years ago during summer school. She was very friendly and helpful. We hit it off right away. She was the motherly type , always giving advice. I would see her at PD’s and gatherings and she always had a smile. She will surely be missed by students and staff members alike.
Words cannot describe the loss of Ms Shirley she will be truly missed My deepest sympathy and my condolences to the family may God give them strength in this time of sorrow and pain may you rest in peace Ms surely God bless all
She ruled her classroom with an iron fist, she loved her students (and they LOVED her) with an immense heart. She will be sorely missed. May memories of her bring everyone who crossed her path comfort.
Very few people leave a mark the way Ms. Shirley did. She‘s certainly someone God used repeatedly. She belonged to God and he used her like she was his favorite instrument. In my life, I gained an unexpected mother when our paths crossed, and she poured into me great wisdom. I thought I was going to teach her something when it came to health and wellness but she and the holly spirit had my number lol because they came for me!
God’s plan is so amazing and so beyond us. He filled a void that needed fIlling when he brought Ms Shirley into my life, and I had no other recourse but to love her. Moments with her felt transcended, that’s how I knew she was divine, I never wanted our time to end.
I am a better version of myself today, the price of her influence. You will never be forgotten Claudia, to many loved you for that to ever happen.
Miss Shirley didn’t leave anyone feeling bad. She always left you feeling good about yourself. How many people can actually say that? Every student and every adult she touched, she had something positive to leave them with. I want to tell her children and grandchildren that she left a legacy that is so bright that not even death can destroy. I’m happy I had a chance to meet and get to know her. I will miss her spirit immensely. I would like to send my condolences to the family. Rest in peace Miss Shirley! You will be missed.
On March 18 2020, this wonderful lady came to my room to tell me take my charts down from the wall because they may be cleaning the school in our absence. She said “I only had 15 charts so it’s easy for me, but you have a lot and I wanted to make sure your beautiful penmanship didn’t get ruined.” I listened. I shared her information with my colleagues and we spent two hours talking. She wasn’t happy that we couldn’t hug like we always do, but we hugged continuously from afar. Before she left, she said “Miss Jones, I couldn’t leave here today without coming and seeing my girl. When and if we comeback, I will be able to hug you again. Stay safe and I see you when this is over.” I will never see her when this is over. The joy she brought to my life in the span of a short two months is priceless. I will miss our lunch chats, I will miss her not sharing my room, but most of all I will miss her bear hugs. I’m still discombobulated and grief-stricken by this loss. She will always be with me.
Worked with Ms.Shirley 20 years ago at Is296. Great soul! She then worked at P.S.377k school where my mother worked for and children and nephews attended. She was their Spanish teacher. Can’t believe she’s gone. God rest her soul
Omg I can believe my condolences for she family she was my best teacher when I was in the school 296 she was the brightest light in any room.not because she died but for me she was the perfect teacher old my live she going be in my mind for ever rest in paradise.ms. Shirley You will be missed
Very sorry to hear about this passing of a great person. RIP Ms. Shirley. You will be missed
Ms. Shirley had a big, generous heart of gold. Her patience and kindness knew no bounds, and she will be sorely missed. Everyone whose life she touched is better for knowing her. My deepest condolences to Sharron and Jennifer.
I worked with Shirley at IS 296, I loved her dearly. She was a magical woman. Fluent in Spanish and taught those bilingual girls how to respect them selves. Mrs Shirley will be missed. To her family members, this is tough. Please live through her memories.
When I first started out in 377, I didn’t really know anyone and I always kept to myself and focused on my work. Ms. Shirley moved in to the class next to mine. We hit it off right away. She had that inviting personality. I called her mom because she would always give me life advice and she would call me son because she had to give so much of it. Mom never held back. If you were wrong, mom would tell you, but she had a way of telling you where you didn’t feel insulted which made you listen. I was so excited to have you back in 45, and to top it off, you were in the room next to mine again (until you were moved). I got the chance, one last time, to hear you teach Spanish and boy was it a treat. I heard the kids reciting words and answer your questions. It was beautiful to hear the Spanish language in the halls of 45 after so long and it was even more beautiful because it was done from a professional such as yourself. Standing by my door listening, admiring, I shook my head and I said to myself, “She’s still got it.” Mom lived to teach and she loved the little scholars. In fact, she came back from retirement to do what she loved. It’s hard for me to remember every moment we shared and what was said over the years, but I do remember that you always made me feel good inside. Saying goodbye is so hard and it hurts so much, but I am glad of one thing. That I at least got to see you for one last time. I love you. RIP mom.
Mrs. Shirley was a kind soul and had a beautiful heart. I’m honored to have known her and worked with her. My condolences to her family.
Ms Shirley was one of my star teachers at the Beacon after school program for 10 years!! She help create and maintain a strong bilingual program that helped 6-8th graders. She loved her students and she will be dearly missed. My sincere condolences to her family.
My deepest condolences for you and the family,
Miss Shirley was the brightest light in any room. She had a presence that inspired her students and encouraged her colleagues. Her courage, perseverance and dedication will live on through her daughters and grandsons.
Oh Dioss, que triste es saber esta noticia, waoo Claudia gracias por permitir conocerte y compartir contigo amiga, gracias por tanto, descansa en paz amiga hermosa. Siempre te recordaré.
Our hearts are broken, our community lost the most wonderful, kindest , helpful person . Our students will surely miss her as we do already . To her family my heart & my soul cries for them. My sincere condolences to them all . Rest iIn Paradise. ✝️Helen
This is absolutely heartbreaking. Ms Shirley helped and inspired me so much during summer school at 384. What a sad day for NYC to lose her. Much love and condolences to Sharron and Jennifer.