- Paraprofessional
- Retired
Paraprofessional Eileen Stareshefsky was “the heart and soul of the alternative school network” for 31 years until her retirement in 2015.
Childhood friend Ahuva Haimson said, “Eileen welcomed everyone with open arms and was there for everyone.”
Stareshefsky was 70 when she died of ALS on Nov. 14.
Colleague Bill Askins, who met Stareshefsky when they were both students at City College, said, “She was totally involved in the life and culture of Coalition High School for Social Change and on top of everything.”
He described the warm welcome she gave new students and then how she kept track of them and directed them to resources. She hung hundreds of photos in plastic sleeves of students and hung them from wires from the ceiling throughout the school.
Askin said Stareshefsky was the “heart of the school, the one who got everyone’s signature on cards marking special events in the lives of staff members.”
Colleague Sheila Zukowsky remembers her colleague as “generous, wise and extremely thoughtful, a fighter for social justice and a one-on-one para who was tireless in the care of students in her charge.”
She is survived by her husband Lewis Antine. Condolences can be sent to lantine@gmail.com.
I worked with Eileen at Coalition. She was truly was one of the most welcoming and kind human beings I have ever met. She set the tone at Coalition. I feel very fortunate to have known her.
Eileen always had a nice word to say to someone. Whenever she would see you, she always complimented you. We will miss our special Aunt Eileen!
Hillel and Rochie Stareshefsky
And from Eddie Mock on Jill Williams’ Facebook Page “Rip she was one of the nicest people I met at Coalition and was always there for everybody. Wow may she rest in peace”
Quote from Lewis Codrington on Jill Williams’ Facebook Page
“Rip eileen. she was so kind and so sweet and always welcomed everyone with open arms”